We Talk Books
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Ep 1: Crocs vs. Old Men in the Woods
Ep 2: Hillbillies and Spaceships
Ep 3: The Woodland Army of Sexists
Ep 4: Cliffhanger of the Century
Ep 1: A Quest For Treasure Or Friendship?
Ep 2: Gollum Spits Rhymes
Ep 3: Poor Urban Planning
Ep 4: Bilbo's Pro Gamer Move
Ep 1: The Anomaly of Kanej
Ep 2: Platonic Hand Holding and Not-So-Platonic Wesper
Extra: A Reader's Shadow and Bone S2 Thoughts
Ep 1: Wesper Kingdom
Ep 2: How to Beat an Antagonist (in the Best Way Possible)
Ep 1: Lord Henry is an Andrew Tate Fan?
Ep 2: Existential Crisis Time!
Ep 1: Dumb Dating Decisions
Episode 2 coming soon...